Adniram Spiva?

We think this may be a photograph of Adniram Spiva. There are 3 other Spiva relatives who have this photograph in their possession. The one they have is in a small oval frame, mine is in a very large frame for hanging on the wall. Between us we are trying to confirm his identity.

I am currently trying to collect photographs of all Adniram's children, a total of 15 between both wives, Evaline Souther & Sarah Haseltine Corn.

If you have photographs relating to this family, to include descendants, or know of anyone else who might have some in their possession and would be willing to share a copy of it, please-please contact me so I can make contact with you or them. Eventually this site will be filled with photographs of as many ancestors and descendants that I can find. They will be here for "all" of you to enjoy!

Please take a moment and sign my Guestbook so that I know you were here . I would love to know what you think of this site and if there is anything I can do to improve it for my visitors.

While you're at it, why not take a moment and put your mark on my GUESTMAP. It's wonderful knowing where everyone is at!

Thank you for coming to visit today. I do hope you will return again soon. Don't forget to "refresh" upon your return so that you will be able to view updates and/or changes I make here.

Please enjoy your visit.

~ Linda May ~

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Page Content
© Copyright 2004-2005-2006

Updated: 22 June 2010
Previous Update: 21 September 2006

© Page Content Copyright
Linda May Spivey-Bjorklund

Adniram & Evaline (Souther) Spiva's Children

Welcome to my Spivey Family Album. Just click on any link available for a particular person and you will be taken to another page where you can see more information for that person. Use the BACK button to return to this particular page.

The little "icons" is a project I'm currently working on. These are to let you know if this particular individual's file includes Desecents, Documents, Obituaries, Gravestones, etc., as well as other photographs I may have of them for your viewing.

Gravestone |
 Obituary |
 Marriage Bond |
Photos |
Cemetery |
Descendants |
 Bible Records |
John Spiva

Original photograph in my possession. Cousin Geraldine Spiva Elmore, G-daughter of John Spiva, confirmed his identify for me.
Jesse Spiva

Copy sent to me by two cousins, John Spiva & Lamar Spiva, GG-grandsons of Jesse Spiva.
Joseph Spiva

Original photograph in my possession. Cousin John Spiva, GG-grandson of Jesse sent me another copy of this family when they were older.

Nancy J. Spiva
William "Billwash" Washington Spiva
Rhoda Carolina Spiva

Copy sent from cousin Geraldine Spiva Elmore, G-granddaughter of John Spiva, eldest son above. Another copy was sent through email by cousin, June Ellis Johnson, related through the Kephart family that Rhoda married into.

Thomas Newton Spivey
James Alfred Spiva

Original photograph in my possession. He was my Great Grandfather.
Steven Adrian Spiva

Copy sent to me from cousin John Spiva, GG-grandson of Jesse Spiva.

Adniram & Sarah Haseltine (Corn) Spiva's Children

Evaline Spiva
Sara Rose Spiva

Copy sent to me from cousin Geraldine Spiva Elmore, granddaughter of John Spiva, eldest son above.
Louis J. Spiva

Copy sent from cousin John Spiva, GG-grandson of Jesse Spiva. Included in this photo is another young man who appears to be a brother. Unknown if Louis or Luther. See photo located next to Ben's.

Luther F. Spiva

Copy sent to me from cousin John Spiva, GG-grandson of Jesse Spiva. Included in this photo is another young man who appears to be a brother. Unknown if Louis or Luther. See photo located next to Ben's.
Benjamin H. Spiva

Copy sent to me from cousin John Spiva, GG-grandson of Jesse Spiva.
Louis or Luther Spiva
Which one is he?

This young man is in a photo with Ben Spiva sent to me by cousin John Spiva, GG-grandson of Jesse Spiva. Only problem is we don't know if he is Louis or Luther Spiva.


Ancestral Paths to the Past
. . . Currently Unavailable, but Coming Soon . . .

This is my GENEALOGY HOME PAGE where you will find ALL my genealogy research,
our family connections, reports, files, narratives, documents, and much, much more.

Our Family Albums
. . . Currently Updating, but do visit Unknown Faces Of The Past

These are albums I have put together to include our Ancestral and Descendant's photographs. Here
you'll also find a special album where I have put all the unidentified photographs.
Visit UNKNOWN FACES OF THE PAST to see these picture. Many belonged to my great grandparents and
their children's albums.

Our Elusive Ancestors ~ Our Ancestral Families
. . . Under Construction, Building Databases . . .

Gravestones, Cemeteries, Churches & Obituaries This is where you will find all my Gravestones, Cemeteries,
Churches & Obituaries. Included are also Death Certificates and anything else that
will help verify the family members information.