A Letter to "My Dearest Elusive Ancestor"

With pen in hand I write down all the things I have found, or have been told when I ask about you and your family. So many years have passed between us that I'm left to wonder if I will ever truly know more than just your name, who your parents were and what kind of life you lived before leaving this world.

Sometimes I will spend hours searching the internet for you, then like a child I can be found jumping for joy when I find someone else who has even the tiniest bit of information or a connection to you. Then I'm on a roll of submitting questions to individuals, adding queries to different sites and practically "begging" for someone to help through a surname mailing list I have subscribed to.

My family is facinated by the fact that your name can be rolled off the tip of my tongue and spoken out loud for them to hear, even though you may have been gone for years, possibly hundreds of years. I get so excited whenever I have someone even mention the word "genealogy" because I know so much that I can talk about. If I had a picture for every name that I have then that's something in itself that could really be talked about!

The days for sitting at my desk, writing or just tapping computer keys will never end for me. I will do my best to find you. I will do my best to let others know about you. You are what I am all about and I thank you more than you will ever know.

I am not the final result of your family mold, it will go on and on forever. The day will come for me when I will not be around to talk about you, but I know the family mold will continue to bear more children for many more years to come. Some day there will be children of this special mold talking about you....and talking about me. That makes me smile. That makes it all worth it.

Forever thinking about you....Linda May
Copyright 2002 Linda Spivey-Bjorklund