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3/23/05 - 3/24/05

The Puppies

It's hard to tell, but Cayenne is chewing on Ancho in this
picture.  Serrano is sleeping blissfully through it all.

The puppies are getting to be very fun to play with.  They all seem to enjoy being touched and petted.  They are drinking formula well now, getting just a bit a few times a day to help Chili out.  Chili enjoys cleaning up the leftovers!

We made a low spot in the living room pen for Chili to use as an entrance/exit.  We had to modify the pen Tuesday as Cayenne, Ancho and Fresno all escaped by crawling over the barrier!

On Wednesday, Serrano escaped by pushing her way through where the fence was clipped.  Jan turned in his chair to check on the pups only to find Serrano standing in front of the TV extremely pleased with herself!

Fresno smooching with Jessie.  The pups are getting so wiggly it is getting hard to keep them in focus when taking photos.

Trying for a jail break, but fell asleep in the process...