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"Why seek ye the living
among the dead?
He is not here, but is risen..."

The following hymn was written by
T.D. Dennis, and in 1940 the arrangement
by B.B. McKinney was copyrighted by
The Sunday School Board of the
Southern Baptist Convention.

He Died of a Broken Heart

Have you read the story of the Cross,
Where Jesus bled and died;
Where your debt was paid by His precious blood
That flowed from His wounded side?

Have you read how they placed
the crown of thorns
Upon His brow for you,
When He prayed, "Forgive them, oh, forgive;
They know not what they do?"

Have you read how He saved the dying thief,
When hanging on the tree,
When He looked with pleading eyes and said,
"Dear Lord, remember Me?"

Have you read that He looked to
heaven and said, "Tis finished?"
'Twas for thee!
Have you ever said, "I thank thee, Lord,
For giving Thy life for me?"


He died of a broken heart for you,
He died of a broken heart;
Upon a tree, for you, for me,
He died of a broken heart.