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Spooky Party Games

String Thingz !

Tie strings around treats, enough for each child or person participating in the game, and suspend from the ceiling or a tree branch. You may need to adjust the length of these so they are at least mouth high or lower. Then,on the mark of 3,the kids have to eat their treat and the first to do this wins the game ! But, there is one last rule to the game, they have to do this with their hands behing their backs! This is kind of hard to do, but the kids will love it,and it's great fun to watch and capture on film! You can use whatever you want for the treat!like,marshmellows,Timbits,make them take a bite from an apple(for older kids,cause it's hard ,but hillarious!) Use your imagination!You could even use a simple cookie! YUM!!!


This is a game for 2 to 4 players ages 6 and up.

You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for each player. You also need 1 die.

The object of this game is to complete a drawing of a jack-o-lantern before the other players do.

Players roll the die to see who starts. The player with the highest number goes first. You must roll the exact number to draw each item. Each item must be drawn in order. If you can not draw what you have rolled, the turn passes to the next player. (For a faster game, or for younger players, you can draw the items in any order).

Roll a 1.....draw a circle for the pumpkin

Roll a 2.....draw the stem

Roll a 3.....draw one eye

Roll a 4.....draw the other eye.

Roll a 5.....draw the nose

Roll a 6.....draw the mouth.

Musical Graves

This is a game for four or more players of any age.

Use spooky Halloween sounds for the music.

Cut out tombstone shapes from construction paper. Decorate these with sayings such as "Rest in Peace", and "Here lies a Good Man", and so on. Each player needs a tombstone. Place the tombstones in a circle. Each player lies down with his head on the tombstone and his feet facing out of the circle. When the music starts, everyone stands up and walks like a zombie around the circle. While they are walking, remove one tombstone. When the music stops, the players must lie down again with their head on a tombstone. The player without a grave is out.

Repeat the game until only one player remains.

Halloween Round Robin Storytelling Game

This is a super fun game for at least 2 people ages 8 and up. The more players you have, the better the story.

Copy each word form the following lists, on to small cards, about 1" X 2". Each category needs to have it's own color card. Construction paper works well for this. Here are the four categories:

ghost black cat broom Boo!
witch bat cauldron whooo...
skeleton rat coffin squeeek
mummy spider fire ahhhhh!
Frankenstein worm hook Bang!
vampire crow pumpkin shhhh!
princess owl silver bullet clump. . .clump
cowboy wolf sword drip...drip...drip
Batman dog treasure chest craaaaash!
alien buzzard wooden stake scratch-scratch
zombie fly apples EEEEK!!!
clown toad jack-o-lantern thump!!
mermaid snake candy creeeeek!
pirate scorpion bubble gum Pop!
ballerina jackal flashlight achoo!!
hobo dragon mask ooh-la-la
scarecrow vulture costume poof!
monster hyena corpse yikes!
gypsy weasel skull pshaw
The End The End The End The End

Place all the cards face down on a table in their own categories. The first persons starts with a card from the "people" pile. This person starts to tell a story using the word that she drew. When she feels that she is done with her part of the story, it is the next players turn. This player draw a card from the "animal" pile and continues the story. The next player must pick a card from the "things" pile, and the player after that draws from the "sounds" pile. The play continues in this way until a card is drawn which says "The End". The player who draws that card must end the story.

"Murder" (or "Wink")

One player is secretly designated the "murderer". This can be done by drawing lots: each player draws a piece of paper from a hat. They are all marked "victim" except for one marked "murderer". Prepare only enough for the number of players. Alternatively, the host can secretly tap one player to be the "murderer".

All players must sit in a circle and be able to see each participant's face easily. The murderer tries to "kill" the other players by winking at them. If a player is winked at, he or she must die (as dramatically as possible, of course!. Encourage theatrics!)

A warning to the murderer: wink discreetly. A player who witnesses the crime (and is not yet killed off) can become a "witness". This player shouts "Witness!" and names the killer. If the witness is right, he or she is a winner, and a new round starts. If the witness is wrong, however, that person also dies. A player who has a hunch about the killer, may shout "Detective!" and guess the murderer's identity. Beware! A wrong hunch results in that player also dying.

The murderer wins if all but one "victim" is killed off.

Note: "Victims" are forbidden to wink!