In order of receipt of name.
We would like to acknowledge anyone involved with the protest. I need your permission to put your name on this site. Please e-mail me here and let me know your name (first name or nickname is OK) and how you contributed to the protest. Supporters who were not there will also be recognized.
Melody- made pins, signs, stickers, and was an on-site protester.
Geana Berg- on site protester
Lovey- involved, armbands, protest supporter.
Vicki Ferraro- on site protester
Marleen Oetzel- protest organizer, on-site protester
Ann Hirschberg- protest supporter
Ellen- on site protester, press, behind-scenes details
Agnes Parcan- on site protester, 79 y.o.
Elizabeth Kan- on site protester
Veronica Parcan- on site protester
Carolyn F. James- protest supporter
Anonymous 1- on site protester
Linda S.- protest supporter from Oregon
Mary Jane Van Fleet- protest supporter
Gail Parke- protest supporter
Warren Clemetson- on site protester (Picture 4)
Ellen Clemetson- on site protester (Picture 4)
Penni Korb- on site protester
Sharon Smith- protest supporter
Jeannine- on site protester from New Jersey
Kathleen Dickson- protest supporter, background information
Evelyn O' Brien- on site protester, made armbands and green ribbons
Lou- photos
Joan Green- on site protester
Steve Henwood- protest supporter from OR
Patty Smith- on site protester from Pennsylvania (Photo 2)
Hal Smith- on site protester (17 y.o.)
Lyme Alliance, Inc.- protest supporter
Lynn Lane- protest supporter
Milo 7- protest supporter
James Wissmiller- protest supporter
Georgia Wissmiller- protest supporter
Dana Wissmiller- protest supporter
Greg Dowell- protest supporter
Bonnie Dowell- protest supporter
Laurie Dowell- protest supporter
Kevin Dowell- protest supporter
Karen Strandberg- protest supporter from WA
Brandon Siemssen and Family- protest supporters
Alison Achambault- protest supporter
Jo McTallum- L.D. Information Center PA, on site protester and supporter
Lyme Disease Network South Carolina- protest supporter
The West Coast Connection- protest supporter
NW Lyme Disease Support Network- protest supporter
Rita Stanley, Ph.D- protest organizer, press
Adrianna- website designer. E-mail me here!
Names of Protest Supporters on the Sign