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"It's not "Animal", it's "Beast"..."Animal" is a muppet."

Real name:Henry McCoy

Place of origin:Dunfee, Illinois

First appearance:X-Men(vol.1)#1

Created by:Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

Powers:Enhanced speed, agility, strength and intelligence. Also later aquired blue fur after a lab accident.

History:Beast was one of the original five students that Xavier recruited for the X-Men, but at the time he was not covered in blue fur. Beast went on after the X-Men to become the founder of the new team the Defenders, and then co-founder of the Government run X-Factor. Beast later went back to the X-Men for a short time, but left again not too long ago.


Relations:Edna McCoy(mother), Norton McCoy(father), Robert McCoy(uncle)

Affiliations:X-Men, X-Factor, the Defenders, the Avengers

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