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Real name:Tabitha Smith

Place of origin:Roanoke, Virginia

First appearance:New Mutants #74

Created by:

Powers/abilities:Has the ability to create "time bombs" out of pure energy which detonate in about three seconds and/or on impact.

History:Tabitha was originally under X-Factor's care, then she ran away with Skids, Rictor, Artie, Leech and Taki to bust Rusty loose from prison and form the short-lived "X-Terminators". After 'rescuing' Rusty, the kids got involved in "Inferno"(see Madelyne Pryor in Villains)and ended up joining forces with the New Mutants. The X-Terminators and the New Mutants eventually joined forces and became one team, of all of the X-Terminators Tabitha is the only one who went on to X-Force and is still with the group.

Status:Current member of X-Force

Relations:Roberto DeLecosta(x-boyfriend), Sam Guthrie(x-boyfriend)

Affiliations:the X-Terminators, the New Mutants, X-Force

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