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"Nice. Ah'm invulnerable to yer bone thingies while ah'm blastin', Marrow...but if it makes ya feel any better..."Ouch."

Real name: Samuel Guthrie

Place of origin:Kentucky, USA

First appearance:Marvel Graphic Novel #4

Created by:

Powers/Abilities:Able to fly using a rocket-like jet stream blast that also renders him and anyone with him near invulnerable. Cannonball is also an X-Ternal, a class of mutants that are immortal.

History:Originally one of the Hellfire Club's henchmen under Donald Pierce(see villains "The Reavers"), Cannonball soon joined the New Mutants in the first or second issue. He later went on to be a member of X-Force, and then the X-Men until his mother fell ill and he went home to Kentucky to be with her, then ended up running into X-Force again and left the X-Men to be in the jr. team once more.

Status:Current member of X-Force

Relations:Paige Guthrie (sister, see GenerationX), Tabitha Smith(X-girlfriend)

Affiliations:Former member of the New Mutants, former member of the X-Men, current member of X-Force

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