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Real Name:Sharon Smith

First appearance:

Created by:

Powers/abilities:Has a humanoid-feline appearance with the ability to transform into a large purple cat. In humanoid form has similar appearance-long purple hair, violet eyes, sharp naturally pointed nails and tail. While in feline form she was extremely agile and could even climb walls.

History:Not much of Sharon's past is well known, except for that she may well have had a feline appearance at birth and was orphaned and raised by cats.
She sincerely believes herself to be a cat with the ability to transform into a human form.
Sharon was rather intelligent in her own way, she learned to speak and read within a year or two after she was found and taken in by Emma Frost as one of her students and Hellions. She also enjoyed hunting her own food, rather than eating with the rest of the students.
Preferring her feline form over her humanoid form, that's how she spent most of her time when allowed personal time.
When the New Mutants were transferred from the Westchester Academy to the Snow Valley Academy, she became very close to Rahne, seeing as how their powers were very similar. She somewhat helped Rahne to lighten out of the depression she and the rest of the New Mutants shared after being brought back from death by the Beyonder. Sharon was distraught when Rahne was transferred back to the Westchester Academy, and was upset for quite some time over it.
Sharon later shared the fate of the rest of the Hellions and was murdered by Trevor Fitzroy when he killed them all for the energy needed to open one of his time portals to the future.


Relations:None known

Affiliations:The Hellions

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