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"Wow, his language is so simple to figure out!"

Real name:Douglas Ramsey

Place of origin:Westchester, New York

First appearance:New Mutants #13 (last four pages)((thanx Raven))

Created by:

Powers:Able to decypher any language and speak it fluently.

History:Originally one of Emma Frost's students, Cypher ended up joining the New Mutants after Worlock crash landed in New York, and rescued by the New Mutants. Xavier knew of Cypher's power and sent for him, seeing as how no one could understand Worlock. Worlock and Doug ended up being good friends, and Doug joined the Mutants. Doug and Worlock were inseperable, until Doug was killed by the Ani-mator while attempting to help Bird-Brain on the Ani-mator's island.

Status:Technically deceased(see Douglock in Excalibur)

Relations: none to speak of

Affiliations:The New Mutants

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