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Real name:n/a

Place of origin:the Phalanx

First appearance:Excalibur #77(?)

Powers:Techno-organic body, able to shapeshift, extensive knowledge of computers and programming languages, also able to decypher all languages.

History:Douglocke was originally two people, Douglas Ramsey and the techno-organic alien known only as Worlocke. Both of them ended up dying while in the team the New Mutants/X-Force, and were eventually brought back to life by the Phalanx, an entire race of techno-organic life forms, as one being. Douglocke spent a lot of time on Muir Island after the team Excalibur recovered him from the Phalanx, and even did some field missions with them for quite some time. Douglocke had recently been experiencing memory loss and emotional suppression, so he has been with Moira undergoing treatment. Even more recently, Douglocke has become the manifestation of Worlocke and it is now unknown of his whereabouts.


Relations:Doug Ramsey(half of douglocke's being), Worlocke(half of Douglocke's being)

Affiliations:The New Mutants(Cypher and Worlocke), X-Force(Douglocke), Excalibur(Douglocke)

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Main image on this page thanx to Nat(thanx Nat :D)
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