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"After all dis' time, an I still manage ta impress m'self."

Real name:Remy LeBeau

Origin:Was a thief in New Orleans, a member of the guild of Thieves, and rivaling the Guild of Assassins. He had married the leader of the Assassins to avoid conflict, but ended up killing her brother and being cast out from both clans to avoid further conflict. He later began robbing other thieves and robbers, mostly the big time underground workers, when he met Storm who was reverted to childhood by the Nanny. Gambit first appeared in the Uncanny X-Men in iss. 266.

First appearance:Gambit first appeared in the Uncanny X-Men in iss. 266.

Powers: Gambit has the ability to "charge" objects with sort of a kinetic energy which explodes on impact. Gambit's 'objects' of choice are a deck compiled of all ace's of spades, the 'Death' card.

Relations:Bella Donna Boudreaux(x-wife), Rogue(girlfriend?), Henri LeBeau(brother)

Affiliations:the X-Men, The Thieves and Assassins Guilds, the Marauders(see villains, Sinister&the Marauders)

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