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Real name:Haroun ibn Sallah al Rahman

Place of origin:Morocco

First appearance:

Created by:

Powers/abilites:Similar in a way to Cannonball's ability to "blast"(i.e.-fly using a rocket like force projected from the lower half of his body), except his abilities are limited in the fact that he is not quite invulnerable when blasting, in fact he is not even immune to the intense heat of his rocket blast and now requires bionic legs due to the manifestation of his powers.

When Haroun's powers first manifested themselves, the lower half of his body was badly burned from the blasts. He enjoyed using his powers, but required the use of bionic legs from thereafter. Very little is known of his past.
In addition the bionic legs that the Hellfire Club fitted him with, they also implanted guidence and survellance euqiptment which helped his navigation, as to not be injured when using his powers, and in return joined the Hellions as one of Emma Frost's students at the Snow Valley Academy. Haroun was not very well liked by his teammated in that he was extremely arrogant and distant from the group, but was respected for his honor and quick thinking.
Haroun was the first to fall to Trevor Fitzroy during the massacre of the Hellions.


Relations:None known

Affiliations:The Hellions

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