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"I don't even recognize this "Magneto" you keep referring to. But I can see it's clear you have me confused with someone."

Real name:Joseph

Place of origin:Central America

First appearance:Uncanny X-Men #327

Created by:Scott Lobdell and Roger Cruz

Powers:The ability to control anything affected by magnetism, i.e. steel, magnetic waves, iron in blood, ect...

History:Joseph came to America after being housed in Central America by a nun who gave him the name Joseph. He was a complete amnesiac when he first found the X-Men, but helped them to fight Onslaught nevertheless. For some time the X-Men believed him to be Magneto, somehow brainwashed and reverted in age, but this turned out not to be the case when Sabra, a Mossod agent tried to kill him. Maggot saved his life when he reveiled that he knew all about Joseph, and the fact that he was in fact a clone of Magneto, but not the real Erik Lehnsher.


Relations:Clone of Magneto

Affiliations:Former Member of the X-Men


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