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Real Name:Xi'an Coy Mahn

Place of Birth:Central Highlands, Viet Nam

First appearance:Marvel Team up #100

Created By:

Powers/abilities:Shan has the ability to reach into other people's minds and have them do her will, almost literally becoming that person. Also has newly aquired yet limited telepathic abilities(Truth or Death #3).

History:Xi'an(or Shan) First became aware of her powers when a Viet Cong soldier was beating her younger brother, Tran(who is now deceased). She possessed the mind of the soldier and forced him to cease what he was doing, and was successful. Her brother found he also had the same power to control the minds of others(conveniently at the exact same time as his sister)and forced the soldier to commit suicide.
Ashamed and frightened, Shan kept her abilities a secret, while her brother did exactly the opposite. Tran told his uncle, General Coy, about his new found abilities, and the general allowed Shan and the rest of her family safe passage out of Viet Nam. Things didn't exactly go as planned, and her family was taken prisoner, only herself escaping. She later rescued her family and left on a small boat to the United States, however they did not quite make it all the way there in one piece. They were attacked by pirates before entering the States. Her father was killed instantly and her mother was raped and later killed.
Shan eventually made it into the States with her younger siblings, all now orphaned. She took her brother and sister into her custody and ended up finding a job and a place to live and enrolled her siblings into a public school.
She one day found that her siblings were kidnapped, and enlisted the assistance of a few local New York heroes to help her, and succeeded, finding her older brother along with them.
Finding that her brother had turned into a thing of evil, she "absorbed" his life essence, making him a part of herself, permanently.
Shan was then introduced to Professor Xavier by the Fantastic Four(some of the heroes that assisted her), and enrolled in his school and even became his own private secratary. She helped him recruit more students and eventually helped him to form the second generation team of the New Mutants, and even became the team leader for quite some time.
Karma went through many good and bad spells with the New Mutants, one of the worst being possessed by the Shadow King. She eventually beat him, thanks to Illyanna and Cypher, and drove him back to the astral plane.
She then returned to the New Mutants(yes, this was after a while of absense) to be reunited with her siblings, and found that they had come up missing, again!
She left the team again after a short while to look for her siblings.
She appeared with her teammates once more in the 3 part miniseries, Truth or Death, in which she helped Mikhail Rasputin(reported bad guy and all around butt-head) in his attempt to "save" his little sister Illyanna, but ended up doing more harm than good in transferring the Legacy Virus from himself into her, thinking that her unique Eldrich Armor would cure her of it instantly. Instead, it lied dormant until some time later, after the Inferno series.


Relations:Nguyen Ngoc Coy(Uncle), Leong Coy Mahn(brother), Nga Coy Mahn(sister)

Afilliations:New Mutants, Hellions(briefly)

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