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Real name:Lockheed

Place of origin:some planet that was conquered by the brood

First appearance:Uncanny X-Men #166

Powers:natual abilities to fly and breath fire

Origin:Lockheed followed the X-Men home to Earth after helping them defeat the Brood, who had enslaved the little dragon's race on his home planet. Lockheed helped Shadowcat defeat a race of aliens that was living in the sub-levels of the X-Mansion, and Kitty then made Lockheed her pet, naming after the company that built the Blackbird. Lockheed later followed Kitty to Europe when she joined Excalibur, and possibly followed her back when she rejoined the X-Men after Excalibur disbanded.

Status:currently unknown

Relations:Kitty Pride(owner)

Affiliations:New Mutants, X-Men, Excalibur
