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Longshot: "Yum! Dead burned animal flesh and unborn baby birds!"
Rogue: "Longshot, don' be gross, thems ham n'eggs."

Real Name:N/A

Place of origin:Mojoworld, a dimention where power and political stature are determined by "ratings"(see mojo in "villains")

First appearance(s): New Mutants iss. ?, Longshot iss. #1, Uncanny X-Men Annual #10

Created by:Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams

Powers/abilities:Has hollow bones, three fingers on each hand, enhanced agility, supernatural luck, ability to "read" the past imprinted on objects.

Origin:First appeared in New Mutants ? when Worlock(see new mutants) transformed himself into longshot as a joke. First appeared as longshot in longshot #1, brainwashed for some reason and running from the "Mojocops" (see Mojo in Villains) and ended up on earth. Annual #10- appeared literally out of nowwhere, brainwashed again, in the Danger Room while the X-Men where in a practice session, later became a full time member of the X-Men until 89'.

Status:Last known "whereabouts" of Longshot-1997 release "Longshot", He was last heard from somewhere in Kansas after battling a "Dark and Fiendish Thingie", then left in the direction of New York to contact the X-Men with a rag-tag group of misfits and wierdos.

Relations:Dazzler(last known girlfriend) Shatterstar(clone? son? of Longsot and Dazzler) Ricochet Rita(ex-girlfriend) Mojo(ex-boss/owner/ruler/whatever you call it), Spiral(ex-girlfriend)

Affiliations:former member of the X-Men

Also see Bratpack