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Real Name:Illanna Nikolaevna Rasputin


Place of origin:Russia

First appearance:?

Powers/Abilities:Able to generate "Stepping Disks" which allow her to transport herself and/or anyone near her anywhere she chooses, also can travel to the dimention of "Limbo" where she riens as demon sorceress. Has limited abilities as a demon sorceress, very strong in Limbo. Wields her "Soul Sword", a physical piece of her soul in the form of a sword, the sword has the power to disenchant and destroy sorceries.
UPDATED: Whoever controls Magik's "Soul Sword", controls Limbo.

Origin:The young Illianna(6-7 years old) was abducted by the demon Belasco, who was at the time the ruler of Limbo, and held captive until her powers manifested, when she then returned to earth as her most known self, Magick. Illianna spent several months, if not years, with the New Mutants at Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning, trying hard to fit in with the other kids in the school. She almost always felt like an outcast, having been raised as a Demon Sorceress in Limbo. Not long after she joined the New Mutants, however, her brother Piotre, the X-Men's Collossus, was reported dead at the hands of Forge. At this time, she was undergoing a transformaton into the Darkchilde. Not long after that, Illianna was killed trying to defeat Nastir, another demon from Limbo who had tried to take her place as ruler of the timeless dimention. During the Inferno, Illianna had completed her transformation into Darkchilde, thus giving her the power to beat both Nastir and S'ym.
After the New Mutants found her body, they found yet another surprize inside. To stop the Inferno, they had "rescued" a younger Illyanna from Limbo, shortly after she first came to the demonic dimension. This Illyanna, too, died later at the hands of her brother Mikhail, who gave her the Legacy Virus in an attampt to save himself, thinking that her armor would protect her from the deadly disease. The process went all wrong and somehow the younger Illyanna(the one that was later rescued from Limbo by the rest of the New Mutants)died because of it.
It has been recently discovered that Illyanna is still in Limbo, as many have thought to be true. Details are unclear at this time(But she's getting her own series!!!!).

Status:Currently living in Limbo

Affiliations/Relations:Piotre Nikolaievitch Rasputin(brother), Mikhail Rasputin(brother), Nikolai Rasputin(father, deceased), Alaxandra Rasputin(mother, deceased)

Affiliations:Former member of the New Mutants

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