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Real name:Erik Lensherr Magnus

Place of origin:Auschwitz, Germany

First appearance:X-Men #1

Powers:Has the ability to control all forms of metal, including the flow of iron in a human body

Origin:Erik Magnus is a very disturbed person, in his youth, he was forced to live in a concentration camp in Germany. He was forced to watch his parents murdered by Nazis. When he was older after the horrors of the camps and murders, he married a woman named Magda and had a child. Soon after his daughter's birth, his powers over magnetism started to manifest and the people of the town he was living in thought him to be the devil himself and burned his house, his dughter still inside. His daughter was killed, and thus created Magneto. Erik could no longer stand it and went insane, killing the entire village and making his wife run from him in fear, who was later found by the high evolutionary and died giving birth to Magneto's twin children, Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch. Magneto went into a complete dillusion and tried to annihilate the human race and make it so that mutants were the #1 race on the planet, and he tried to take his old friend Charles Xavier with him. But Xavier would have none of it, and he and Magneto ended up as rivals. Charles later talked Magneto out of his frenzied dreams of nightmarish rule and got him to take over on the good side for a while, as the new leader of the X-Men and the recently formed New Mutants. Magneto went along with it, but cracked again after Inferno, where he had then lost a great number of the people he had sworn to lead. After a while in inactivity, Magneto again tried to take over the world(but then what villain doesn't?) but he at that time also had a counterpart, Joseph, who had joined the X-Men. Magneto failed again, of course, and has been again inactive since.


Relations:Magda(former wife, deceased), Quicksilver(his son), Scarlet Witch(his daughter), Rogue(a fling in the savage land), Joseph(his clone)

Affiliations:the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, New Mutants, X-Men