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Real name:Sarah (last name unknown)

Place of origin:the Morlock Tunnels, New York

First appearance: ?

Origin:A Morlock child, Marrow spend a great deal of her life in seclusion, hiding under the streets of New York. After the Mutant Massacre, Marrow left the tunnels with Mikhail Rastputin(see villains Mikhail) in hopes of salvation, but mikhail used the Morlocks to created an army in another dimention, and Marrow was no exception to the torturous training. She was cast out of the sanctuary when her mutant abilities first started to manifest themselves, and was forced to fend for herself and "prove" that she had a right to be within Mikhail's sanctuary. She proved herself to him, but had in the process become feral. Callisto was the first person Marrow ever loved or trusted, seeing her as a surrogate mother, but Marrow held some contempt for Cal after she let Mikhail send her into the wastelands of his dimention. Marrow later left the dimention and ended back up with Callisto and the Morlocks, then Callisto sent her to Xavier to learn to better control her powers, and learn how to trust people again.

Status:Current member of the X-Men

Relations:Callisto(sort of her foster mother)

Affiliations:the X-Men, the Morlocks
