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Real name: Mojo

Place of origin:Mojoworld

First appearance:Longshot limited series#2(? if this isn't right, please email me and let me know..)

Powers:Able to shoot plasma from his hands and the thing on his chair, and believe it or not has great strength.

Origin:Mojo was the ruler of an entire world, a world where politics depend on ratings, the better the ratings the better the ruler. Mojo is from a race of some-what humanoid beings referred to as "the Spineless ones", malevolent creatures that will go to any lengths and exploit anything for entertainment. Mojo is also the former "owner" of Longshot, an x-member of the X-Men turned rebel leader in Mojoverse. Longshot had supposedly killed Mojo in X-Men #11(or 12), but Mojo came back nonetheless.

Status:Fat and nasty as usual..oh, yeah...he's still in Mojoverse.

Relations:none(I hope)

