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Dani Moonstar

Real Name:Danielle Moonstar

Place of origin:Boulder, Colorado

Powers/abilities:has the telepathic ability to create 'mirages' of people's inner most fears or their deepest desires, and the ability to bond with animals. Dani has also aquired the ability to create psyonic arrows, and has recently aquired celstial powers that make her near omnipotent.

First Appearance:New Mutants #1

Origin:Was at first reluctant to join the New Mutants, and slightly prejudice at the time, but later joined anyway after her grandfather was murdered. Dani is one of the founding members of the New Mutants.

Status:Current member of X-Force

Relations:Black Eagle(grandfather)Peg Moonstar(mother)

Affiliations:New Mutants, Valkyrior, S.H.I.E.L.D operatives, M.L.F. II, X-Force
