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Real Name:Alias'-Bastion/Ultimate Sentinal

Place of origin:Unknown

First appearance:Uncanny X-Men #191

Created By:

Powers/abilities:Extremely versatile, able to conform to his surroundings. Also had teleportation devices and other nifty Sentinal weapons to go along, including the ability to predict and conform to attacks.

History:Built in the future(Days of Future Past timeline to be precise), Nimrod was programmed to be the perfect "Ultimate" sentinal. Nimrod was accidentally sent back in time by Dr. Strange and the alternate timeline Illyanna Rasputin, and began fulfilling his programming by exterminating the mutants of the present timeline.
He was, af course, stopped by the almighty X-Men, and eventually left the scene for quite some time, in which he evidently was brain-washed or comformed to human life, and even became human in appearance and began a normal life(wierd, huh?).
This was later absolved when he was working on a construction site under his new alias(an unknown alias at this point, i really don't feel like looking it up...sorry :), when he accidentally picked up a piece of the super-sentinal, Mastermold. There were still living circuits in the scrap, and Nimrod was instantaniously melded with Mastermold, who took over the collective consiousness and attacked Rogue(really Carol Danvers running the show at the time) and Psylocke.
The rest of the X-Men teleported(thanks to Gateway)to the scene(in New York no less) and opened up their patented can-o-whoopass on the giant android. Nimrod began speaking to Mastermold, who was determined to fulfill the primitive programming to eliminate the mutant threat, and convinced Mastermold that in bonding with Nimrod, they had in essence become a mutation of the originals. This hit Mastermol hard, and he was about to self destruct, but the X-Men opened the Siege Perilous, an ancient portal in the form of a red gem, and sent him packing. This had it's own cost, however. Nimrod/Mastermold grabbed Rougue(at this point of the battle, Carol had been knocked unconcious and Rogue again took over), and pulled her in as well.
Nimrod later returned as a human/sentinal(more human than sentinal)who called himself Bastion. Bastion created his own versions of the X-Men out of the DNA strands of the original X-Men, with similar powers(most of them, anyway). He later killed them himself after they proved useless against the real X-Men, and sought to destroy the X-Men himslef, but failed in that as well.




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