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Real name:Elizabeth Braddock

Place of origin:England

First appearance:Uncanny X-Men Annual #2

Powers:Psylocke has the unique power to create a 'psi knife' which she uses to pretty much fry the minds of the people she turns it on. Betsy is also a telepath of some stature.

Origin:Psylocke first came to be when she took the place of her brother, Brian Braddock(see Captain Britain of Excalibur) as Captain Britain. Betsy lost her eyes under this title to the Slay Beast. Betsy was originally blonde with blue eyes, but somehow Shinobi Shaw transferred her mind with that of Revanche, thus the asian look on the Psylocke we now know so well. After Psylocke had lost her eyes, however, she was kidnapped by Mojo and manipulated by Spiral, and given bionic eyes that also served as cameras for Mojo's sick plots of using the X-Men as movie stars. After the supposed death of the X-Men in the Fall of the Mutants (see Uncanny X-Men 225-228), the cameras in Betsy's bionic eyes either stopped working or her eyes were restored, I was never sure.


Relations:Brian Braddock(brother, see Captain Britain-Excalibur), Jaimie Braddock(brother, see villains)

Affiliations:former Captain Britain, X-Men
