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By Gwyna

Why did it always rain during funerals?

Rogue turned up the high collar on her black leather jacket, but it didn't
help. Nothing could protect her from the rain or fill in the loss of the
fallen X-man, Joseph. He had been a good friend, teammate, and in the
past, something more.

Now it could never be.

A hand crossed over her shoulder and squeezed it gently. She glanced over at
Gambit through blurred eyes as he stood next to her. He wasn't wearing all
black. Just his usual long brown coat with his uniform underneath. He had
been called out on a short mission and had arrived just in time for the
funeral. Rogue wondered, if there had been time, would he have changed into
something more formal or appropriate?

Gambit and Joseph's relationship had been a strained one because of Joseph's
special interest in her. Nothing had gone serious between them, but there
was always an attraction. An attraction she knew hurt Remy. It was
non-intentional pain she could never hurt him purposely, however, she still
blamed herself.

The other X-men surrounded her in small groups, including members of X-Force,
X-Factor, and Generation X. Rogue noted that a few regular humans had also
attended, including Trish Tilby, a reporter for one of the big news stations.
At one time, she had been Hank McCoy's love interest, but because of career
choices, it had ended. Still, she stood next to Hank with an arm linked into

Rogue briefly glanced at the memorial stone, which was placed on a small hill
near the mansion. There was no body to bury…just memories of a teammate lost
in battle. And, he was being remembered as a long-standing member of the
X-Men with full honors. The "X" was engraved on the stone and below it the
last words Joseph spoke before he passed on. *"You are each but half of a
whole. Only by working together will mutants and humans ever be as one."

The priest residing over the funeral gave a small sermon and then asked for a
moment of silence. Rogue only heard her own weeping and the rain pelting her

A sudden low hum came from the right of her. Xavier's hover chair appeared
and she felt his hand close over her gloved hand. He gave her a reassuring
smile and continued up the small aisle.

His hover chair stopped before Joseph's tombstone. All eyes lay upon him and
the crushing weight of the death of a fellow X-man. This was one of the most
painful and dreaded responsibilities that he had to do, Joseph's eulogy.

"My fellow X-Men and friends. Today we have gathered to honor the death of a
fallen comrade, Joseph." He barely choked out the name. "He came to us alone
and afraid. Not knowing who he was or where he came from. Over time he
became an individual and began to gain our trust. He fought along side us no
matter the odds or the cost. Moreover, in our most recent and devastating
battle, there had been a cost, his life. And although he was with us a short
time, he knew what it took to be a true X-man. He believed in our dream.
The one that we have been working towards for so long," Xavier stopped.

The emotional out pour of the other X-Members coursed through his veins. So
much sadness, pain, and something else, frustration. He looked out at his
children and gazed at all of them.

There was one missing. Logan.

Since their arrival from the Arctic, Logan had locked himself up in the
Danger Room. Everyone who cared about him knew why, but no one had dared to
confront him. Xavier inwardly sighed knowing that he would be the one to
discuss Logan's anger toward Magneto, and Xavier's choice in preventing him
from killing Magneto.

His pause seemed to be a moment between his thoughts. He continued. "It was
only a few hours before his death that he learned how and why he had been
created. His creator was a cruel and vindictive woman, who was once a member
of the Brotherhood of Mutants, which had been Magneto's creation. Her only
reason for giving life to Joseph was to take revenge out on Magneto." Xavier
said and lifted his hands in a sign of hope. "In my opinion, Joseph's life
meant so much more. He was so unlike the man he was cloned after. His
compassion and openness amazed me and taught me things that I had forgotten
and lost along the way, especially my dream of mutant and humans co-existing
together. His last words before he passed on still haunt me. However, I will
never forget them and we shall never forget the sacrifice he made for both
mutant and humankind."

Professor Xavier sat tall and brought his eyes to meet every X-Man's. "He
saved the Earth from death and brought a new birth to our dream."

Weeping and tears followed his last words and he swallowed hard to keep his
emotions down. The priest spoke the final words and blessings. "Ashes to
ashes, dust to dust. May God keep you in his heart. in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen."

The X-Men dispersed into smaller groups and walked back to the Mansion. Most
walked in silence, but the rest whispered just loud enough for the right
people to hear. This would be only the beginning of a small wound. A wound
that had always haunted the X-Members, What if Xavier's dream was impossible?

Over the years, this wound had been able to heal, but it had festered far too
long and it was unlikely to stop.

The rain continued for the next several days.


*Excerpt from the X-Men issue #87 'Magneto War.' Script by Fabian Nicieza.

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