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Real Name:Roberto DeLacosta

Place of Origin:Brazil

First appearance:New Mutants #1

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Powers:Harnesses solar energy created by the sun enabling him to unleash it as superhuman strength and later the ability to fly.

History:(not very complete)Roberto came to Xaviers school after his mother and father, though very understanding, found out that he had manifested his mutant abilities.
Having grown up in a wealthy family, Roberto was a bit of a spoiled brat when he first came to Xavier's school as a member of a new team in training, the New Mutants.
Roberto eventually learned to control his powers to the fullest, and also learned to act with his teammates as a team, rather than trying to take the glory for himself.
He often has trouble getting close to others, because when he had first come to the New Mutants, his childhood friend was murdered before his eyes by the minions of the Hellfire Club, with the help of the boy who he would later become best friends with, Samuel Guthrie.
When Cable stepped in as the new leader of the New Mutants and turned it all around to create an active strike force called X-Force, Roberto learned through Askani training that he also had the ability to fly in addition to his great strength.
He later formed a strong bond with his best friend's ex-girlfriend, Tabitha Smith, after Sam had left X-Force to become a member of the headline team, the X-Men.
Recently, Bobby found out that he was heir to his father's fortune, and that there was a place of power for him in the Hellfire Club, which he took at the psychic vampire Selene's request.



Affilations:The New Mutants, X-Force, The Hellfire Club