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Real name:Marie-Ange Colbert

Place of origin:France

First appearance:

Created by:

Powers/abilities:Tarot has the ability to predict the future with crisp accuracy. She also carries with her a deck of Tarot cards from which she could draw a card and bring to life a creature in relevence to the card or portrayed on the card.
It is unknown where her abilities derive from, wether they be genetic or metaphysical in nature.

History:Not much of Marie is known. She often had visions of the near future, and probably knew of the fate that awaited herself and the rest of the Hellions, but did nothing to prevent it.
It has also come to be realized, that even though she was with the rest of the Hellions and was in fact killed by Trevor Fitzroy with them, she is still alive and rejoined the Hellfire Club as a member of the New Hellions.
She claims that she is still alive due to a curse on her family, and that she ha unresolved family buisness to take care of before she is able to move on.


Relations:None known

Affiliations:The Hellions/New Hellions

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