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Real name:Rahne Sinclaire

Place of origin:

First appearance:

Created by:

Powers:Able to shift between her natural human form to a lupine(wolf)form at will.

History:Rahne was treated like a demon in her hometown of Kinross as a child for her powers. The town was run by the church and the insane Reverend Craig.
Rahne was later adopted by Moira McTaggart and lived on Muir Island until the formation of the New Mutants, which she became one of the founding members of.
Rahne later became a member of X-Factor, after the disbanding of the original five members, after having lived on Genosha as an ex-mutate.
After X-Factor she joined Excaliber.


Relations:Moira McTaggart(adopted mother)

Affiliations:New Mutants, X-Force, Excaliber


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