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Real Name:Worlock

Place of Origin:Phallanx Collective

First appearance:New Mutants #18

Created By:

Powers:Able to shift his mass to and size or shape he desires. He is also a member of a collective alien race, but is different from them for the fact he is not obsessed with conquering or devouring lifeforms, and has the capability to learn from others. Also carries a techno-organic virus, which he uses to infect his "food", turning it into circuitry and then draining it's lifeforce for energy.

History:Worlock came to the New Mutants after fleeing his native world in an attempt to escape his fate; a kill or be killed relationship with his sire, Magus. The New Mutants excepted Worlock after their friend, another future New Mute Douglas Ramsey, Spoke to Worlock using his own mutant ability to decypher any language, no matter how complex or obscure. Magus eventually caught up with Worlock, and Worlock was barely able to defeat Magus with the help of Doug and the rest of the team.
Shortly after Inferno, Worlock disappeared, to return later with the collective Phallanx as an involuntary member, and very much resembling the then deceased Doug Ramsey. It was thought for a time that Worlock and Doug had somehow merged, thus they called him Douglock(see Douglock in the Excalibur section). It was later revieled that Worlock had merely integrated Doug's memories from the many times they had merged while still members of the New Mutants, because he had lost many of his own. Shortly after Excalibur disbanded, Worlock regained much of his memory and returned again to his normal self, with only a few traces of his Douglock persona.

