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~~In Rememberance of My Dad~~

FEBRUARY 7,1934 - AUGUST 8, 2001

There are soo many fond memories of my Dad~
it would take a lifetime to write them all,
but one favorite of mine
comes back again and again
from when I was a wee tyke.

Dad, being a farm man,
spent many long hours on the tractor
working the fields, day & night.
At times he would set me
up on his lap for a brief ride.
Now, this was special fun you see,
as sitting way up on the tractor
gave opportunity to see many new things
and share time with my Daddy.

One morning after breakfast
I made the decision to go
to the field with my Dad and
spend the day with him on the tractor.
(Dad & Mom were unaware of my decision).
Out the door I snuck,
accross the driveway to the other side
of his pickup truck.
There I climbed up on the running board,
Scrunched myself down and held on tight
for the ride to the field with the tractor.

This, I thought, will be a special surprise for my Dad,
that I came to help him for the day...
I was very excited!
Finally we arrived to the field and slowed to a stop.
When I heard Dad open his door to climb out,
I pulled myself up to stand on the running board
and cried out, accross the truck bed,
Well, if you can imagine,
Dad had a most horrified look on his face
to see me on that running board,
thinking all the while I was home
safe with Mom for the day.
My big surprise was when he
put me in the cab of the truck
and took me back home.
I was broken-hearted and in tears.

Not till I got older,
and Dad taught me how to
drive and work the tractor,
did I realize what an armload I would have been
to hang on to while he'd be
steering and shifting and turning
while setting the equipment
being pulled by the tractor.

It was then I finally understood
why it was necessary for Dad
to take me back home that day,


Thanks for all the memories with special love and care Dad...*SMILES*!!!

© Nancy Sue
All Rights Reserved
August 8, 2001

Thank you for walking with me friend!

Nancy Sue