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Celebrating the Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is not the death
of the life-giving sun, it is its rebirth!

Down Through the Darkness
of Mother Earth
of wet, cold, wet, cold
dark, sometimes seems gloom,
always dark,
the Root gets tapped
the Soul is touched
the Fire ignited and is stroked
by the Powerful Returning of the Light,
the Eternal Cycling of the Sun.

A Call slowly, slowly upward rises
penetrating layers of dust, ice,
grit, snow, and wet stone.
Another Root gets tapped,
Another Bulb responds
Stirrings in the cells of all beings
As all feel the calling of the Light,
the calling forth of the Sun.

Circles hear this rising Call
Make their way to Gathering Places
Celebrate the Joyous Returning of the Light
Renew their covenants to cherish each and all
And make their thankful prayers
for Eternal promises kept and manifested
through the Returning of the Light.

Material is property of Tending Sacred Circles

Brightner of darkness, hail!

Keeper of Clearness,

Opener of the Depths.

Gifts of plenty are arising,

Winter wonders,

white snows' fall.

Joyful be the heart within us,

Open up the guesting door.

Wisdom waken in abundance,

Warm our beings to the core.

From Celtic Devotional
By Caitlin Matthews

Thank you for walking with me friend!

Nancy Sue