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This is my cousin Amara and her bird Cook Birdie

***We just found out that Amara is going to be a Big Sister!! We aren't sure when but it won't be for awhile (8-8 1/2 months or so.) We are all very excited!***

Amara was born on November 13th, 1995. She is a lot older than I am.

She has two pets also, only hers are birds. Their names are Silly Face and Cook Birdie. She named them herself.

Amara is really talented she takes a dance class where she learns all sorts of stuff. She is learning ballet and tap. She even has been in a recital already and has another one coming up!!

She also goes to preschool three days a week. She is really smart and can even type her name.

She also likes to watch t.v. Her favorite shows are the ones on Nick At Nite. Her favorite of those shows are The Jeffersons and Bewitched.

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