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Hi! I am Oren. I was born on April 20th, 1999 at 5:02 p.m. I weighed in at 7 pounds and 14 ounces.  I was 20 1/2 inches long.
At my first check up I was 4 days old.   I had shrunk 1/2 inch but had gained 3/4 of a ounce.

I have a cousin named Amara who I love very much. I miss her a lot, she lives a long way from me. She does write me letters though and when I am big enough I will write to her too. I do send her email every once in awhile. I know she can read what I type because she writes me back.

I visit with my Grammy Marilyn and Pappy Rick all the time. I love going to their house because they have a lot of neat stuff that I am not supposed to play with, even though I try. My Nana lives there too. She is neat. I always look for her when I get there. I don't get to see my Grandma Anne or Grandpa Richard very much as they live a long way away. I have never met my Gigi but she sends me cards. I really want to visit them soon. I am hoping that Momma and Daddy take me to see them.

I have two cats (Todd, female, and Puff, male.) They are both fixed so no worries about little kitties here. I don't think Puff likes me very much though. He always runs when he sees me. Todd likes me however. She always rubs against me because she wants me to grab her fur (I think that is why.) Momma is always telling me to be nice and let go, but I don't understand what she means, besides Todd is the one that starts it all.

I have had a lot of doctors appointments already. I like my doctor, his name is Doctor Filuk. He is funny and lets me chew on the tongue depressors. What I don't like about the doctors appointments is the shots. I always scream and cry as loud as I can when I get them. I have even been to the emergency room already. It was a long wait, but I behaved the whole time.

I walk all by myself all the time now. I walk anywhere that I can or that my Momma and Daddy allow me too.

I also feed myself all the time. I don't like people to try and feed me anymore. I still really like green beans, but I like a lot of other things too.

Oh yeah, I also have 4 teeth and am getting two more! I have been taking good care of them too. I brush them everyday, just like Doctor Filuk told me too. I do like chewing on the tooth brush though.

I can't wait for my birthday. I know Momma is planning a party for me. I hope that all my friends come to it. I am going to have a cake and open presents and everything.

Well it is time for my nap now, so I have to go. Thank you for coming by and visiting. I hope you come back soon to see what else is happening in my life. One more thing before you leave. Will you please sign my guest book? I like to now who has visited.

Guestbook by The Site Fights


Guestbook by The Site Fights

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