Hey there! This is as you can see Loco Psycho Rossco Pico De Gallo's Homepage. If you don't like then you know what SUE ME! I made this because I like computers and want to be like one of my friends who's like a computer genious. He's helped me with this site ever since I started and down below are some pages he's made. GO TO THEM THEY ARE TIGHT AS $#!%. If you have any suggestions or anything feel free to email me!
Here's a qoute that's pretty tight! It's also my motto!
Thanks to Calvin Gunn my site is now secure, and a lot better than what it would of been without his help! See what he can do! IT'S AMAZING!!! Here are a couple of his websites!!!
Below are the links to the sections of the website. Hobbies with stuff to my golf pictures and crap, things that annoy me, *funny pictures*, a site for my friends and stuff like that.
My Favorite Sayings: Click to View or Add Text.