Cheat Codes
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To get Mew with G-shark
- Turn G-shark on
- Type in 0115D8CF
- Then you should fight a mew in a battle
To get Master Balls with game shark
- Type in01017CCF
- Go to any store and you should be able to buy them
- Don't worry they are free
Type in 01xx7CCF this code will let you buy any thing you want if you have the money (Replace the xx with the number next to the item you want, Refer top the list at the bottom)
- 01 Master Ball
- 04 Pokeball
- 0C Burn Heal
- 0F Parlyz Heal
- 12 Hyper Potion
- 1D Escape Rope
- 21 ThunderStone
- 24 Protein
- 27 Calcium
- 2F Leaf Stone
- 33 PokeDoll
- 36 Max Revive
- 39 Max Repel
- 3C Fresh Water
- 41 X Attack
- 44 X Special
- 50 Ether
- 53 Max Elixer
- 02 Ultra Ball
- 0A Moon Stone
- 0D I ce Heal
- 10 Full Heal
- 13 Super Potion
- 03 Great Ball