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BEHOLD......Our Leader!!

BEHOLD...Our Leader...
it's ALBUM-MAN !
As we, the chosen few wander aimlessly around the country, and the world for 365 days....and 365 nites,
it is the HE who will lead us back to the land flowing with Rock n' Roll! The journey is not an easy one,
for we have been held in bondage, against our will by employment, committment, and other details of daily
routine. It is with this premise in mind that our fearless leader announces......

"Let thy people go"....
..." to RockFest 2000...the ULTIMATE 4~Day Show !!
We must follow him thru a desolate land, to the mountain where he will receive
the "New Covenant of Classic Rock"!

Let us NOW follow ALBUM-MAN receive the "New Covenant of Classic Rock" !
~~CLICK~~the RockFest Mini-Logo to continue!
      Madman's Rockfest Launch Page page

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