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Who are you

Well, way back when I was just a little bitty boy, living in a box under the stairs in the corner of the basement of the house half a block down the street from Jerry's Bait Shop.. Oh wait, that's a different story. You're here because you REALLY care who I am!!! I feel so special... or stalked.. one of the two. Anyway, you're here, which shows that you care, so I will fulfill my part of this little bargin we have and tell you a little bit about myself. It all began one cold November morning, way, way back in the year 1981... Ok, ok! I get the point.. you don't have to snore that loud!

(Haha!! Look at the frea... Oh crap!! That's me!)

Ok, the basics. My name is Autumn, (or you can call me Jade. Whatever.) and I live in the lovely state of Oregon (Woo! Go Beavers! Yes.. the Beavers..). I am a graduate of South Albany High School. Class of 2000 baby! Yeah! I live at home with my Mom, my brother, our cats, Stormy and Tabby, and my salamander, George. My Dad lives down in Alabama with his beagle (whom he let me name) Gypsy.

I put this here cuz.. well.. i think it's cute ^^

If you can't tell from the entire theme of this page, I am OBSESSED with "Weird Al" Yankovic! He is awesome and I love him! He is my favorite singer/director/writer/actor/parody-ist/accordianist of all time!! I pretty sure all of my friends are about ready to commit me because I won't shut up about him! He is such a sweetie, sooo nice, not a sell out like most celebrity-types, has been around longer than most people he's parodied and, lets face it, he looks good for a 40 year old man (heck.. he looks good for a 30 year old man!) . I've heard rumor that his hair smells like vanilla.. mmmm... Vanilla.. *drool*

If you ever want to talk to me online, my ICQ # is 2817650 (if you send an Auth. request, let me know you got my number from here, other wise you will be rejected like all the others..), on EFNet in #weird-al as Jade27 (download mIRC to get there!), or just join my Weird Al club on Yahoo! Weird Al's 27th Club where I am known as jade27_al.

(One of my many "Weird Al" items purcased from Ebay.
There is so much great stuff on there!)

Random Stuff about Me:

Ok, so now you know who I am and you just HAVE to have me right? Well.. You can't have me physically, but you can own my soul! Just click the image below!
