Ch. 10 Jaymee clutched the phone, listening to it ring. *Come on Jon! Pick up!* she thought. "Dude Lu, this isn't good. They are on to us! I just know it!" Jon picked up on the other side. "Hello?" "Jon! It's Jay..." She started, but the phone went dead. "Hello? Hello?" Jaymee yelled into the receiver. "Crap! It's dead. Lu, we better..." she began, but then noticed Lu gasping and pointing at the door. "What?" she asked and looked at the door. There she saw two very unhappy women. "I though you only had to call your parents... Jaymee." Jayde said, glaring at her. "Well, I, uhm.. that is.." Jaymee stuttered, but before she could get out a plausable excuse, Layla leaped at her and tackled her to the ground. Lu's eyes widened and she jumped on top of Layla, pulling her hair, trying to get her off of Jaymee. But before she could, Jayde grabbed her by the trench coat. Lu let out an ear piercing scream. Jayde cringed and quickly covered her mouth. "We can't have you screaming like that dear.." she hissed at her, then bit down on her throat. Lu yelped and fought until she finally passed out. Jayde let go of Lu and looked at Layla, who was having a heck of a time biting Jaymee. Jaymee yelled and screamed and punched and kicked. Jayde sighed. "Can't you do anything right?" she growled at Layla and dumped Lu on her. "Hold this." Jayde jumped on top of Jaymee. Jayde was ten times stronger than Layla. But Layla was ten times stronger than Jaymee. Jaymee continued to scream. Jayde latched onto her throat and began draining her. Jaymee screamed and spit out a stream of curses that would make a sailor blush, until she too passed out. "There, now that wasn't so hard.. you freakin' wuss." Jayde said to Layla as she released Jaymee. "Pick up that one and follow me." Al slowly opened his eyes. He had no idea how long he had been out. His head hurt again, and he was still kinda dizzy. Suddanly, he realized he wasn't alone. He felt people on either side of him. He jumped up and lept over the foot board, but his foot caught and he went flying into the ground. His yelling woke up Jaymee. Jaymee groaned and looked at the person yelling. "Al! Yo Lu! Wake up!" she said and smacked Lu's arm. Lu grunted and took a swing at Jaymee, before falling back alseep. "Jaymee! Lu!" Al excitedly whispered. "Oh God.. you aren't.. you won't..." Jaymee rolled her eyes. "Don't flatter yourself." she whispered and rubbed her neck. "Where are we?" Al shrugged. "I have no clue. I don't even know how long I've been here. All I do know is I'm starving." As if right on cue, a small door in the door opened up and tray was shoved in. Then the door slammed shut. Al crawled over and looked at it. There were three bowls of slightly wilted lettuce with some vegetables mixed in. "What?! No sparkling raw sewage!?" Al yelled. "No, but how about some water?" came a hispanic sounding voice as the small door opened up again and 3 glasses of water were pushed in. Al wrinkled his nose slightly, then grabbed a bowl. He was too hungry to care anymore. He offered Jaymee a bowl. "It's not going to get any better you know." He said as he scarfed down the 'salad'. Jaymee picked at the salad. "I guess they don't do much grocery shopping." She sighed and ate the least gross bits. "Actually... I think we're the groceries.." Al gulped. Lu crawled over to the side of the bed Jaymee and Al were sitting on and tapped Jaymee's shoulder, motioning to the 'salad'. Jaymee grab her bowl. Lu sniffed it, then ate some. After she finished eating she spoke. "I don't think we're 'groceries'. Otherwise why would we still be alive?" She asked, the motioned to the water. Jaymee handed her one of the glasses. Lu chuged the water, then made a face. "I think they have something else in mind..."