Ch. 4 Layla walked along the road. She didn't plan on going back to Jayde's for several days. *I have to find him.* She thought. *But where is..* "A library! I'll bet I can find the venue there." She said and went off. As soon as Layla reached the library, she went straight to the front desk. "Excuse me ma'am, does this library have internet access?" "Of course it does dear, go straight back to reference." she said. "Thank you." Layla smiled and went back. When she got there, she saw rows of computers. She picked the furthest one back and hopped onto "Click, click, print, print." She chirped happily as she printed out the list of concert dates. The one tonight was only about 3 hours from last nights concert... by car. Layla scowled. "This would be easier if Jayde would let me use her car... Oh well.. I'll just have to find my own." she whispered to herself and left towards the mall. "I need some new clothes anyway..." Layla came out of the mall a little while later wearing a pair of black airwalks, black over-alls, a black tank-top and one of those clear plastic jackets. "Ah.. much better. Now a car..." she sighed and scanned the parking lot. Off in the shadows, she saw someone heading towards their car. At least she assumed it was their car, since it was the only one out there. "Excuse me sir!" She called as she ran over to him. The man looked up. "Hi, I was wondering if you had.. uhm.. seen a small puppy running around here. I was taking him for a walk when he got away from me. He's incredibly strong for his size." "No, I haven't. I'm sorry." He said and turned off the car alarm, preparing to get in. That's when Layla jumped on him. Before he had time to scream, Layla sank her fangs into his neck and was draining him as fast as she could. When she was finished, she grabbed his keys and his wallet and jumped into his car. "Leather interior. And tinted windows! Nice." She giggled and started the car. "Oh God... country? No offence dude.. but you deserved it." She sighed and switched the radio to a rock station. Suddanly she looked at her watch. "Damn! Too late.. for tonight's anyway." she smirked and crossed off that night performance from her list. "Oh well, there is always tomorrow..."