Ch. 6 Al walked into his dressing room. He was panting slightly and soaked with sweat. It had been another great performance. He opened up the small fridge he had in his dressing room and grabbed a bottle of water. Suddanly he felt eyes on him. He turned around and there, sitting on the couch, was Layla. Al nearly choked. "Hey lover, miss me?" Layla cooed, then grabbed the lamp on the end table and smashed it over Al's head. Al groaned and fell to the ground like a ton of bricks, his water spilling everywhere. Layla giggled, then grabbed the still Jedi-garbed Al and hopped out the window. "Jayde will be so pleased!" she whispered to no one inparticular and she placed Al in the backseat and covered him with a blanket. She then hopped into the driver's seat, threw the car into gear, and headed back home. Bermuda popped his head into Al's dressing room. The concert had been over for about an hour, and they needed to get going. "Hey Al? You in h...." he started, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the shattered lamp and the spilled water. "Al? Al? Oh no... HEY! SOMEONE! GET IN HERE!" He yelled and began searching the room for Al. Moments later, Steve, Jim and Rubén all came barreling into the room. "What is it Jon?" Steve asked. "Guys.. I think Al's been kidnapped!" "Brilliant observation Sherlock..." came a familiar voice from the window. Everyone looked up. There, leaning against the window, was a Gothish looking girl, and another girl wearing a trenchcoat, sucking on a lollipop. "Jaymee! Silent Lu!" Rubén exclamied. "You were expecting Inspector Gadget?" Jaymee grinned. "Ha ha.." Bermuda scowled. "This isn't funny! Al is GONE!" Jaymee looked at Bermuda. "Dude.. relax. We'll find him. Getting you're shorts in a bunch isn't going to help. Bermuda.. shorts.. hey Lu! I made a funny!" Silent Lu grinned and gave Jaymee a thumbs up signal. Bermuda scowled again. "Yeah, and only 20 years after Al made a similar one..." Jaymee sighed. "Alright, we'll go find Alfie-poo. Y'all sit tight incase they call, and try to figure out who she was. That dead body might be a clue." She said and pointed to the dead guard laying in the bathroom. "Let's roll lolli-girl.. Oh guys, by the way. Next time, don't put the star in a room with easy escape exits." She tapped the window, then hopped into her car with Silent Lu in the passanger seat. "Snoogans!" She waved and they took off. Bermuda sighed. "Why do they always show up when something bad happens?" "Maybe it's like when you save the Pope's life, he makes you a saint. They're trying to score life time backstage passes or become roadies or something." Rubén said. Jim went over to the body in the bathroom and checked it out.. "Uhm.. guys.. check this out. It looks like it was the thing that attacked Al the other night. Only she finished this one off..." "Dude, you don't think she'll kill him do you?" Steve asked. "Probably not, otherwise she would have done it here." Jim replied Jon sighed. "I hope those girls know what they are doing..."