Ch. 8 Al woke up the next evening. His head didn't hurt anymore, and the waves of nausea had calmed. He looked around the room, trying to figure out where he was, what time it was, anything. But it was pitch black in the room, except for the small amout of moonlight spilling in the window. He sighed and rested his head on his hands. He must have fallen asleep back in the bathroom, because he couldn't remember anything for the night before. Now he was laying in this huge feathery soft bed wearing a pair of blue silk pajamas. *Sheesh, if it weren't for the fact that I've been kidnapped and my life is probably in danger, I would be enjoying this.* he though as he got up and checked the door. Locked. Al made an annoyed, slightly angry face. Suddanly, he heard footsteps heading his way. He quickly jumped back into the bed and pulls the covers over himself. He heard the door click open. "Al? You awake yet dear?" asked a voice. It was Jayde. Al stayed absolutely still, hoping she would go away. No such luck. Jayde curled up in the bed with him, that's when he jumped up and made a break for the door. But just as he reached it, it slammed shut in his face. "You naughty boy." Jayde said. "Here I was, trying to be nice. And you take off like a scared rabbit." Al whiped around, back against the door, watching in wide-eyed terror as Jayde walked over to him. "Back off lady! I know Tae Bo!" he said and got into position. Jayde just laughed. "You are funny." She purred and wrapped her arms around Al's neck. Al tried to push her off, but she didn't budge. Then he started screaming at the top of his lungs. Jayde covered his mouth and glared at him. "This is what I get for being nice? I wasn't going to touch you. I just thought you might be lonely. But, apparently you don't want my company. Not now anyway. In a while you will though, when you can't turn back to your friends and family. I will be your only family then." Jayde hissed, then sank her fangs into Al's throat. Al yelped and struggled, but she had him tight. His heart was pounding. *This is it.* He thought. The room began to spin and then everything went black. Jayde released Al. He was still breathing. She lifted him off of his feet and placed him back in the bed. "That should keep him put for a few days." she said to no one inparticular and licked her lips. "Mmm.. yummy." She cooed and ran a finger over Al's cheek, then turned and left the room, locking the door behind her.