Ch. 9 Jaymee sighed as she and Silent Lu sped down the road. She had no clue where they were going, except for the car they saw take off. "Man Lu! Why did we tell them we would find Al?" she said. Lu just threw her a look and stuck another lolli-pop in her mouth. Suddanly she smacked Jaymee's arm and pointed to a large house a little bit a head of them. Jaymee looked. There was a black mustang parked in front. "Wow! It's like a cheap short cut in someone's half-assed story!" Jaymee exclaimed as she pulled onto the winding driveway and parked behind the mustang. She got out of the car and started toward the door. Lu grabbed Jaymee's sleeve. "Like you have a better idea?" Jaymee said and pulled her arm away. "Come on." Lu sighed and got out of the car. They went up to the door and knocked. A few minutes later the door opened. It was Layla. She looked at them. "Uhm.. Can I help you?" "Yeah, we were wondering if.. uh. we could use you're phone. We have to call our parents." Jaymee said, taking advantage of her youthful appearance. Layla looked them over, then sighed a little. "Yeah, come on in. Up the stairs, first room on the right, there should be a phone." "Thanks." Jaymee said as she and Silent Lu headed upstairs. "Alright," Jaymee whispered. "If Al's here, he'll be around here somewhere..." Lu rolled her eyes and made a "Duh." face at her. "Oh shut up." Jaymee sighed. "Just start looking!" Lu sighed and started searching the left side of the hall, while Jaymee checked the right. Suddanly, Lu came to a locked door. She snapped at Jaymee. Jaymee looked up, and Lu motioned to the door. Jaymee came over and examined it, when she felt someone tap her shoulder. Jaymee and Lu gulpped and turned around. Jayde was standing behind them, not looking very happy. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" she scowled. Jaymee gulped. "I'm Jaymee, this here is Silent Lu. We stopped by to use the phone. The woman downstairs said it was up here, we were just looking for it." Jayde sighed. "That room, over there." she said and lead them to it. "I'll be right back." she smiled and went downstairs. She found Layla in the living room, watching cartoons. "What the hell were you thinking?" Jayde hissed at her. Layla jumped. "What?" "Letting those girls in here?! 'Use the phone' my ass! They're looking for Al!" Layla gulped. "How do you know?" "Well the phone is in plain view when you get up there! They were right infront of his room!" Jayde scowled. "Crap.. now what?" Layla said and jumped up. "We give them Al.." Jayde said with an evil smile. "Follow me."