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The "Weird Al" Rabid Fanatic Quiz

1. Do you like Weird Al?
Yes, he's ok
No, Weird Al is a loser, and so am I

2. Have you ever been to a Weird Al concert?
Yes! And it changed my life!
Not yet! But I really want to go to one!
No, why would I waste my money on that loser?

3. Have you ever seen UHF?
Seen it? I own it and watch everyday!
I haven't seen it yet...
What's UHF?

4. Have you ever been to an AlCon?
But Of course!
No, but I REALLY REALLY wanted to!
Psh.. No.

5. Have you ever logged onto the offical site (
At least 5 times a day!
I've looked at it a few times..
What a waste of cyber space!

6. How many Al CD's do you have?
ALL OF THEM!! And a few LP's, some tapes, posters, etc.
1 or 2
Man! This test sucks! Can I leave yet?

7. Are you tired of this quiz yet?
Good Al in California No!! I could take this test all day!
Eh... a little
Tired of it? I don't even know why I'm taking it!

8. Do you know the signifigance of the number 27?
Duh... who doesn't!!
Uhm.. Something Al related?
It's a NUMBER you freak!!

9. Do you think Hawaiian print is proper business attire?
Who doesn't?!
It could be...
No! Man this test sucks!

10. How many times a day to you think about Weird Al?
All day!! I can't get the man out of my head!
Only if a song he has parodied recently comes on the radio
Only when I am thinking about how big of a loser he is!
