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Thank you!

There are so many people I want to thank! First off, I have to thank my main man, Al, for all of the entertainment he's given me over the past who knows how many years. Without Al, this might be a Sailor Moon or Powerpuff Girls or (SLO forbid!) a PRINCE fan page! *shudder*

Katie, my first co-founder and the wardrobe goddess of Weird Al's 27th Club on Yahoo! and just an all around cool mammal :) She has been so nice since my VH-1 and MuchMusic got canceled! She sent me tapes of the MuchMusic Video Collection and bits and pieces of VH-Al! (I lost VH-1 2 days before VH-Al!) So thank you Katie, for encouraging my obsession!

Next up is Jamie, for writing her wondertabulas stories that keep me on the edge of my seat, and for introducing me to the phrase "Good Al In California!" Gotta love that saying! :)

Thank You to Amanda Cohen for organizing AlCon!! That was the best weekend of my life! (Despite the 14 hour delay to get there) Hope I get the privilege of attending AlCon2002!

Thankie to Luna!!! For making the cute little Al iconie dudes. Click Here to check them out! They are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!! And also for giving my the cool background for the #fanfic homepage!

I'm sure there are other people I am forgetting, if you think I need to thank you for something, just let me know and I'll put you up!
