* B O B B Y B I O *

Robert Jonathon Hewitt

Birthday: November 13, 1969, making him 29

Hair Color: Originally Dark Brown, Now Dark Brown With Blonde Chunks

Eye Color: Brown

Status: Married to former porn star Shane Hewitt

Height: 5'11

Former Last Name: Fernandez, but changed it to Hewitt when he got married.

Former Band: Electric Love Hogs

Ethnicity: Spanish

Siblings: Twin brother Fabio, and sister Patty (i think)

Originally from: Los Angeles, California

Movie Appearances: Bobby and Fabio appeared in the movie Don't Look Back in 1996.

Musical Influences: Red Hot Chili Peppers

Tatoos & Peircings: Scorpian tatoo on his back, has his belly button peirced, and has recently gotten his eyebrow pierced.

Favorite Food: Jalapeno Peppers

* M A I N P A G E *