* N E W S *

10.13.99 - I've been faced with bad news. I heard from the Social Enemies news letter that Dissention has been canceled due to the fact that Jay had to get surgery. I will keep you posted with any new Dissention News I find.

10.3.99 - I heard a rumor that the video for Dissention will be out on November 16th.

10.1.99 - In the latest Alternative Press, there is a feature on Bobby, he looks so hot. I'll try to have the pic scanned ASAP, plus more "Millenium Polls" at Circus

9.25.99 - YAY!! Today my site is finally up and running. Let's see what somewhat new Orgy News I know. Well I know that they are currently working on the video for Dissention which should come out in a couple of months. They have also started working on there second album which is due to come out sometime in spring. And yes it's true, sadly Orgy will not be touring for the next 7 months. Hmmm... what else, Orgy is featured in this months Circus and Hit Parader, and Orgy is a candidate to be on the next cover of Circus. So everyone go to Circus and click on coming attractions and under cover picks, click on Orgy to vote. Ok well I can't think of any new stuff so, Bye Bye.

* M A I N P A G E *