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Rock n Roll Fantasy-Page1 a
Rock n' Roll
*ALL images displayed below are actual photographs, NOT edited renderings.

GREETINGS! If you are reading this...chances are you are a Rock n' Roll fanatic.
Chances least once in your Rock n' Roll life, either at a concert, or just
listening to your favorite Band or Artist on the radio, you have had a vision of
Rock'in out with that Band or favorite Artist. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Read on!

Displayed on the next couple of pages are a few examples of MY Rock n Roll Fantasies.
Thru the magic of ADOBE 2.0 Photo Deluxe, a great image editing program, YOU TOO
can take center-stage with your Rock n' Roll idols. STICK AROUND.I'll tell you HOW!

If you have a Photo/Image of your favorite 'Rocker', and a suitable Photo/Image
of YOURSELF, you are set! Simply send me your images via e-mail attachment.
KEEP IN MIND.....jpg's are better than.gifs for this process.Gif's can become
PORUS, especially 2nd or 3rd generation. Just e-mail me with YOUR QUESTIONS
if you are wondering whether YOUR images are suitable for the process.

LASTLY....Your images WILL NOT be distributed to ANYONE but YOU!
Your edited image/s can be displayed on YOUR WEB PAGE, or can be PRINTED
on your COLOR PRINTER. NOTE...Be sure to specify WEBPAGE or PRINTER
when you order. Edited images for PRINTING will be LARGER than those for web-pages.
If you still have QUESTIONS, send me an E-MAIL TODAY!

NOTE: Please insure that photographs you aquire on the WWW are NOT COPYWRITED MATERIAL!
You should only select images that are considered PUBLIC DOMAIN. Images that are COPYWRITED,
or are QUESTIONABLE, will NOT be used in the construction of YOUR Rock n' Roll Fantasy creation.
If you are IN DOUBT.......DON'T USE IT! E-MAIL ME.............................maybe I can help you decide.

NOW......View a couple of the EXAMPLES!

BACK....One Page the Concert Pictorial Page