Love Triangle

copyright 1993 Janet Ferri

I knew after the very first Kiss there would be trouble. The triangle made me feel naughty, but the proposition of it all intrigued me. I became avaricious and insatiable. My mind was fogged by the debauchery. I knew that in time I would get caught. I hated being a cheat, but I found myself on the prowl for a piece whenever I felt the urge. And the urge was becoming more and more frequent

I wanted to be faithful. I still held "D" up on a pedestal, but it was those affairs on the side. I was paranoid, yet I wasn't about to suppress my appetite. Soon my cravings became unappeasable, an experience that was unfamiliar for me.

I wanted more. I wanted it in bars and in tubs. It was no longer private, I wasn't hiding any longer, I was looking in public.

I desired a Big Hunk, something that I could sink my teeth into and devour. The way my tongue carressed nuts between my teeth. Indeed, I was always on the prey for Mr. Goodbar. I didn't even mind a sucker now and then, they'd get their licks.

I could taste the Mounds between my lips. The luscious creaminess would send me into a frenzy.

How could I have betrayed my council? My one true supporter. The one that I had so long depended on to keep me safe and healthy? I had to mess around, didn't I.

I soon started showing. My body began bulging. I thought my clothes would hide my growing girth, but alas, they became so tight that I had to get the next size, and then the next.

Just like I knew it would, it happened. I got caught cheating. It was, of course, those tell tale signs. At first, I thought I could get by without revealing what was going on. No one had been suspicious in the beginning, but my greed made me bold and reckless. I had abandoned what senses I had for something that would only momentarily satisfy me.

"D" was not impervious to what was going on. "D" had known all along. The triangle had now closed in on me. The fingers were pointing in my direction, the realization brought embarassment and humiliation. I now had to admit, to myself, that I had a problem.

"D", my diet, that I had depended on for all these years, had been taken for granted and put to the side. Chocolate and sweets didn't consume 100% of my time, there were brief moments of sanity. It just wasn't fun any more. My diet didn't give me what I needed, oral gratification. I needed some sugar.

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