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Were back in ACTION! Im now back in the states and Im getting ready to revive ACW. For now I need to recruit. If you were in ACW and want to re-join, please email me at and follow the recruiting page instructions. Well, thats all for now... Peace, Towelie. P.S - Follow the white penguin...

Hello all, Towelie here. This is no update, its just to show you people im still around. Still idle till I get back in the states. Towelie out.

ACW is now Idle until I finish learning basic HTML and get back in the states. That is when I will start putting some work into it. Expect nothing major soon. Towelie out.

Hey all, Towelie here. I am now ACW's official leader, and thats pretty damn cool. Well, since this clan is dead, its going to have a fresh start now. I am deleting all current members and going to recruit new ones. Well, since im in Israel right now I cant really do anything, this baby will have to wait until I get back in the us of a. Towelie out. P.S. - Nutty I love you.
Well, I have discovered why ACW is failing. I just don't have the time it takes to lead the clan. Towelie, you are free to do whatever you want with ACW and I hope you can salvage it. Please change the refrences to my email on the site, as I will be deleting that account. ACW was a great ride for me, and I will continue to play on Steve's server. I still want to play with all you guys, but I just don't have time to manage it all. I love you guys. --Mr. Nutty

Hello, Towelie here. Sneaky has asked us for a scrim, but 3/4 of our memebers quit so...we need new memebers! Please if you play and you see someone decent/good ask him if he'll be interested to join us, and then tell him to go on our site and email all the stuff to nutty and me. Thank you all :)

Hey all, Towelie here. I am now the co-leader of ACW. I will do my best to get our clan organized and to update the site more often. Yup, so thats pretty much it. Lets all get this clan up and running at full speed baby! Yeah! P.S. - My birthday is in two days!! Woohoo!

Well it's been a long time since I updated. And this isn't much of one either. I just made a IRC channel and I want to get away from AIM and into IRC. I find IRC to be MUCH better and it allows us to all chat and still be able to carry on private conversations. Get it at: Once you have it, under options-> connect-> IRC network select "Mysteria" After you do that and connect click on the Channels Folder and look/type in "The_Arctic_Circle" (no quotes) That is the channel we aill always be in. If no one is in there just leave it open and do somthing else until someone enters. I hope you guys love it and that you stop using that dirty AIM. DOWN WITH AOL!!!

It's been a rough couple of weeks since I last updated. Blknite01 is joining his friends clan, KillerPenguin was kicked out due to grotesque abuse of his admin powers, and we have 3 NEW MEMBERS! Two of them most of you know are RAMA-JAMA and Inagauri. The third is a player whom I met rather recently named Kao. He's a cool kid and his Cstrike skills are quite decent to say the least. No word from Rydell recently (he's still on his ACW break). I want you guys to do this next HW assignment! It's even easier than the first. Please check the 'Matches' section for a roster of who will participate in a clan match once we get one. I would like to expand the clan into a definite Natural Selection area. Download that soon so we can have a complete roster for a NS clan match. I guess I'll get back to working on things. I've been so busy. So if everyone could like try to do their part and try not to dump every little thing on me that would be great. Thanks

Sorry the site hasn't been updated a lot of crazy crap has been going on and I've been too confused as to what to do with the site, but I finally figured it out (I think). KillerPenguin is going to be changing his picture and maybe his name. He is still in the clan. Blknite01 is still in ACW. I'm not sure what is going on with Big_Killa, all I know is that I don't want him to leave ACW. IF his CStrike is screwed up Don has a copy for him. I have him listed as out of action. As for the new section titled 'Homework', you are to check this frequently as you can and complete the assignments ASAP. Don't worry about doing bad (your not being graded) or feel obligated to complete them. All of the assignments are ment for either fun or to help the clan in some way. The first should be both fun and clan improving. Thanks to Fight Club for the idea.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been posting anything of interest on the forum. Please go there and read what I've said. Added a couple of sprays. Still waiting on Jesus' info to add him to the site. Did David Hayter from MGS write the story for X-men 2?

Today has been a great day (even though I had to go to the dentist!) Donnelley (NEWBopolis owner) has officially joined ACW and you can look forward to a 'server'section shortly. ALSO vamp has joined ACW also and might I say his pic is awesome! ACW is not only becoming more established, but also becoming more formidable in numbers. I just want you guys to know that you all rock. AND today we got some forums go post their now to discuss anything you want to. Oh! I almost forgot you can find a SWEET clan logo Rydell made at:
Hoy es el cinco de mayo y hoy ellos reciben un meimbro nuevo!!!! El nombre es Alpay (o Nacirema)!! TIENE UN SERVER TAMBIEN! Me recomiendo jugar en ese server porque NEWBopolis es por n00bs. El IP es WTF!!!111 WHOS WROTED THAT!!! <_< >_> umm..
Today is 'cinco de mayo' and we gots a new member! His name is Alpay (or Nacirema)! He has a server also! I recomend yous play on that server because NEWBopolis is for n00bs. The IP is

Rydell gave me his pic and he's in officially. He wont be able to start on the new site yet, he's got some other stuff to do first. Also Sneaky_Jesus wants to join and most of the clan is familiar with him so do you guy want him to join? IM me with your opinions.

I have just updated the site and I would like all of you to welcome our new clan member Big_Killa. As for the server business the name has again changed, it is now 'NEWBopolis ~[ACW]~ Clan'. Donnelley has plans to join ACW in the near future, making the server officially ACW's. I will finish the server section at that time. In other news, I am in the process of recruiting Dylan M. (+HK+ Rydell). Why is this important? Because Dylan is a graphic design artist and he wants to build ACW a new site! I've seen one of his other sites and I tell yous it is stunning! plus he can get us a domain name no cost to you guys! I don't know when he will finish but look forward to a new URL in the future.

I have some great news! We have a Cstrike SERVER!! Well, kind of. I say kind of because I'm still trying to get donnelley to join ACW and make his alliance with us official. BUT he has changed the name of his server from 'NEWBopolis' to 'NEWBopolis ~[ACW]~ Clan Friendly'. The IP for the server is I expect to see all of yous there at one point or another. I'm working with Donnelley to figure out what changes to make to the server. Currently we are installing Clan Mod and changing the map list. If you have any suggestions as to what maps or plug-ins we use on the server Email me. Look forward to a 'Server' section on the site once we hammer out the finishing touches on the server. Until then all server news will be posted here.

Unfortunately OptYk will not be able to participate with ACW for at least half a year. Because of this I have removed him from the site. I did let him know that if when he starts playing HL mods again he is welcome back into ACW. On to some happier news, I am attempting to recruit a player called 'donnelley'. He has a server called NEWBopolis. If he joins ACW I would like to use his server as our CLAN SERVER! Good times.

Well I'd like to welcome Ray (or Blknite01) to ACW. He was one of the guys I've been trying to recruit recently and I have SUCCEDED!!! Our numbers are climbing and I hope they continue to do so. I am going to try to setup a wireless cable internet service between my neighbors house and mine but I can't remember what equipment I'll need. If you know what I need please Email or IM me and tell me. If I get cable I'll run a listen server from my house at select times so that the clan can play together. I'm going to look back into getting some forums for the site (I hope). No word from OptYk.

I have good and bad news. the good news is that I've been talking with Nir (yes, his name is Nir, I asked him) and he wants to join ACW as KillerPenguin. I've seen him in combat and though he's modest and hasn't been playing long his skills are developing and what I saw wasn't too shabby. Look for more info on Nir (damn that's a cool name) in the members section. Now as for the bad news: I have received an email from OptYk saying that because of some changes in his location he may not be able to play Cstrike (or any other mods for that matter) anymore. I'm currently attempting to find out how much this is effecting the clan (weather or not he will ever play HL mods again) and I hope we don't lose him. also there is like three people I've been talking to in game about joining and it sounds like they might join ACW if we had a server. PLEASE IF ANYONE READING THIS HAS ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO GET A CHEEP/FREE SERVER, EMAIL ME AT

I just received an Email from Mikey (Alais: OptYk) and he wants to join ACW. OptYk I would like to officialy welcome you to ACW. I'll be sure to get more info you and I look forward to playing with you.

I started playing The Specialists (TS) and added it to the members section. I'm going to try recruiting people in TS. Hopefully the people who play TS are more competent than those who play Cstrike and are able to use the internet and Email. As for now all I have to say is RAPE tootles.

I just got back from vacation and I've been looking for members almost constantly. Haven't heard from the Swedish kid. So, I say DAMN THE ITALIANS SWEDISH!! All members are encouraged to look for members (ahem... Mr. Bitterness) I hope to get some new members soon.

Added a pokey related spray. Mostly been out promoting the clan. I was talking to an eleven year old Swedish kid who had some skill he seemed interested. Let you know how things turn out.

I just signed-up with clan links so that our name can get out. You can now find clan links in the links section. I'm going to require every member to register with clan links to make the clan look better and offer more links to our clan on the clan links site. I tweaked the site a little bit. I'm currently working on some clan forums. Look forward to a link to these forums soon.

I totally changed the Sprays section, now it actually works! and you no longer need Wally to use the sprays! I hope that you like them and let me know if anything doesn't work.

Today I got my friend to join ACW. Check the members section for more info about him. I also updated the matches section for any one who rapes cares.

Did a little site tweaking nothing much. I'm working on my friend trying to get him to join. I'll keep you posted.

THE CLAN SITE IS FINISHÉD!! It's done I put a lot of work into this. Thanks Rookoo for your help. I hope you guys enjoy it. If you have any suggestions please contact me.

WE NEED MEMBERS! I haven't been out promoting the clan yet but if any one wants to join don't hesitate. click the recruiting section so get more info.

Today I changed my name and unofficially started the clan. I've been working on the site a lot and I hope to have it up soon. We need a server! I only have a 56k so we can't run the server from my house (I would consider it if I had a cable modem.) And I definitely don't have the cash for a T1. Check the members section for players favorite servers.